Tuesday, November 6, 2018

BCA Degree Examinations Question Paper Year - 2016 from 124Study App

University : Punjabi University Previous Years Question Papers Collection
Question Paper Title : Programming using 'C'
Course : BCA Degree Examinations
Question Paper Year - 2016

1.a) what are the different data types available in C language? Explain.
b) What are the integer constants and character constants?
2.a) Explain various expressions and statements used in C language.
b) write an algorithm to print the Fibonacci series.
3.a) what are case labels? What types of expression must be used to represent a case label?
b) Differntiate between while and do-while loop statement.
4. Write a program to find the average of the diagonal elements of a two dimensional array of m*n.
5.a) What do you mean by function call? From what parts of a program can a function be called?
b) Describe the various string library functions used in C.
6.a) what is a self-referential structure? Give an example.
b) what is the purpose of return statement? Explain.
7.a) how pointers can be passed to a function?
b) explain malloc(), free() and calloc() functions with a suitable example.
8. Discuss the various I/O operations of files.
9. Answer short type questions:
i) discuss about enum data type with example.
ii) write a program to print the prime numbers between 1 and 100.
iii) explain the concept of command line argument and dynamic memory allocation.
iv) discuss about flowchart and various symbols used in designing a flowchart.
v) explain the various modes used for opening a file.
vi) what are the Bit-Level operations? Give an example.
vii) differentiate between logical and relational operators.
viii) what is a conditional operator? Explain with suitable example. 


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