Thursday, April 4, 2019

Applications of MIS By 124 Study (Markiting, finical )

Marketing Information Systems

A marketing information system (MIS) is a management information system designed to support marketing decision making. It brings together many different kinds of data, people, equipment and procedures to help an organization make better decisions. American academic Philip Kotler has defined it more broadly as “people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers. ” Not to be confused for a management information system, marketing information systems are designed specifically for managing the marketing aspects of the business

Key Points

·         With the increasing use of the Internet, online questionnaires have become a popular way to collect information.
·         Online Research Methods include: ethnography, focus groups, interviews, web-based experiments and clinical trials.
·         The advantages of digital surveys include: questions can be displayed in different ways, data can be received immediately, collection is more cost-effective than traditional methods, and adapting surveys is quick and affordable.
·         The disadvantages of digital surveys include: response rates are limited to people who can access the web, many people dislike completing questionnaires online, and people who respond to online questionnaire invitations tend to be younger.

Key Terms

·         ethnography: The branch of anthropology that scientifically describes specific human cultures and societies.
·         Online Research Method: A way in which researchers can collect data via the Internet. This is also referred to as Internet research.
·         focus group: A group of people, sampled from a larger population, interviewed in open session for market research or political analysis.

Other Online Research Methods for Surveying Consumers

·         Online Ethnography
·         Online Focus Group
·         Online Interview
·         Web-based Experiments
·         Online Clinical Trials

Clinical Trial: An online clinical trial is one type of research method used to survey customers.

Advantages of Digital Surveys

·         The administrator has greater flexibility in displaying questions. Questions can be displayed with check boxes, pull down menus, pop up menus, help screens, or submenus.
·         An online forum allows responses to be received from more subjects and from anywhere in the world.
·         This method is also cheaper to use, because there are fewer costs incurred from buying paper, printing materials or paying postage.
·         Since data is collected into a central database, the time for analysis is substantially reduced.
·         It is easier to correct errors on an online questionnaire, since the administrator does not have to reprint and redistribute all the questionnaires.
Disadvantages of Digital Surveys
·         Not everyone has access to the Internet, so the response rate is limited.
·         Many people are not receptive to completing questionnaires online.
·         Studies indicate that the demographic that responds to online questionnaire invitations are generally younger people

Many organizations are structured based on functional areas. This is often reflected in an organizational chart. Typically, functional areas include finances, human resources, marketing, etc. Many of these functional areas have their own
 Management Information System, or MIS.
Financial MIS
A financial MIS provides financial information for managers to make daily decisions on operations within the organization. Most systems provide these functions:
  • Integrate financial information from multiple sources
  • Provide easy access to financial information in summarized form
  • Enable financial analysis using easy-to-use tools
  • Compare historic and current financial activity
A financial MIS often has a number of subsystems, depending on the type of organization. These include systems to analyze revenues, costs and profits, auditing systems for both internal and external purposes and systems to manage funds. A financial MIS can also be used to prepare reports for third parties, such as external auditors or shareholders.
Marketing MIS
A marketing MIS supports activities throughout the many activities of marketing departments. Some of the typical subsystems of a marketing MIS are marketing research, product development and delivery, promotion and advertising, product pricing and sales analysis.
One of the most common uses of a marketing MIS is to produce sales reports. These are typically produced on a regular schedule, such as by week, month and quarter. Reports can be organized by sales representative, product, customer or geographic area. Such reports allow managers to see which aspects of sales are doing well and which ones need attention.

Perhaps one sales representative has suddenly experienced a drop in sales by losing one major customer and needs some support to develop some new leads. If there are only a handful of sales reps sharing one office, a manager might be able to pick up on this just by talking to everyone. However, what if a manager has to oversee more than 100 sales reps in 12 different offices around the nation? A specialized information system that provides regular updates in a meaningful format 


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