Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Computer B.C.A. BCA 5th sem. Punjabi University Patiala Exam Java Programming Question paper

Computer B.C.A. BCA 5th sem. Punjabi University Patiala Exam Java Programming Question paper 

(SECTION-A)Attempt any two questions

1.(a) Explain the various salient features of java language.[marks=8]
(B) Explain various Datatypes supported by Java.[marks=7]
2.(a) Compare and contrast Java and C++ Languages.[marks=8]
(b) Define Operators. Explain operator precedence and associativity rules in detail.[marks=7]
3.(a)Explain any three control statements of your choice..[marks=8]
(B)WHAT are constructors? How are they Overloaded?Explain..[marks=7]
4.(a)Explain Arithmetic , logical and Conditonal operator..[marks=8]
(b) Give syntax for a Class.How instance variables are defined? EXplain..[marks=7]

(SECTION-B)Attempt any two questions
5.(a)Define Inheritance.Explain its various types in detail.[marks=8]
(b)Draw difference between Abstract and Wrapper classes.[marks=7]
6.(a)Explain the impotance of Packages and Interfaces.[marks=8]
(b)What is Error? How various types of errors are handled in Java? EXPLAIN.[marks=7]
7.(A)WHAT are Strings and Vactors? Explain with example.[marks=8]
(B)Define Overriding.How a method is Overridden? [marks=7]
8.(a)Define Exception.How its Handling in Java? Explain [marks=8]
(b)How multithreaded Programming is implemented in Java?[marks=7]

9.Explain any five. 5×3=15

1.Thread Life Cycle.
2.Command Line Arguments.
3.Visibility Controls.
4.Switch-case statement.
5.Bitwise and Special operator examples.
7.Java program structure.


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