Friday, December 13, 2019

Q. 13. Why does George want to stop Ann's marriage with Chris. Why does he visit Keller's house?

 Ans.  George is a man of lofty ideals and principles.  He comes to know that his father knowingly shipped out defective parts that would crash an aeroplane.  He breaks off all - connections with him.  _ _ He approves of Chris's intended marriage with his sister Ann.  He goes to jail to seek his father's blessing for Chris and Ann.  He learns from his father that it was not he but Joe who was responsible for the supply of the defective cylinder heads.  This is how it happened  Steve came to work that day.  He discovered that cylinder heads were coming out of the factory with defects.  He phoned Joe for instructions.  Joe told him to cover up the cracks, and ship them out.  He promised to take the responsibility on himself.  In the court, Joe denied having given such instruction or assurance on telephone.  It was not possible to prove the truth of telephonic instructions in the court.  As a result, Steve was jailed and Joe was acquitted.  George is shocked to know the truth.  He is convinced that his father is innocent.  He hurriedly reaches Keller's home to stop the marriage of his sister with Chris.  H real story of the cylinder head scandal and asks her to packup and leave the place.  He cannot allow her to marry Chris, whose father had ruined his family.  So he visits the Keller's home to stop the marriage of his sister with Chris.  .  .  Kate is alarmed when she hears of George's visit.  She wonders why George, who never sent even a postcard to his father since he got back from the war, took an aeroplane from New York to see him.  George is now a lawyer.  She knows her husband's implication in the cylinder head scandal.  She fears that Joe might be in trouble if George opens the case.  She pleads to Chris, "Dad and I are stupid people. We don't know anything. You have got to protect us." Joe Keller also feels frightened to know of George's sudden arrival.  He fears they might open up the case again to hurt him and Ann might have been sent on purpose to spy on them.  So he warns Chris to be vigilant against Ann.


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