Friday, December 13, 2019

8. Show your acquintance with Steve Deever.

Ans.  Steve Deever does not appear on the stage of the play.  We come to knowareat deal about him through other characters and the action of the play.  We feel that he isalittle man caught in a biggame.  He lacks guts without which a man cannot be successful in the big game of business.  He is unable to take any decision on his own.  He isamisfit in a society which is governed by cut - throat competition in the absence of ethics.  Joe Keller and Steeve were partners in a factory which made cylinder heads for the Air Force during war.  These were used in the engines of P - 40 planes.  Once twenty one P - 40 planes crashed and their pilots lost their lives.  On inquiry it was found that the planes had crashed on account of the defective cylinder heads used in them.  Immediately, the suppliers of the defective instruments, Joe Keller and Stever were arrested.  Steve pleaded till the end that he was not guilty.  He said in his defense that he had supplied defective cylinder heads under the telephonic instructions of his senior partner, Joe Keller.  According to his statement one night when he came to the factory he was informed by the foreman that defective cylinder heads were coming out of the factory.  He communicate Joe on the phone and asked him to come down to the factory immediately.  But Joe did not come.  The morning passed.  By this time more than a hundred defective cylinder heads had come out.  In the meantime the authorities were pressing for immediate supply of the cylinders.  He dialogue Joe again on the phone.  Joe expressed his inability to come as he was down with flu.  He instructed Steve to cover up the cracks and send the cylinder heads out.  Joe promised to take the responsibility.  Steve followed the instructions of his senior partner and supplied the defective heads to the army.  However, in the court Joe denied having given any such instructions on the phone.  As Steve could not prove Joe's involvement in the crime, he was sent to jail and Joe was acquitted.


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