Friday, December 13, 2019

Q. 1. Give in your own words a character sketch of Joe Keller. Or "Joe Keller is a practical businessman, affectionate father and a considerate husband." Is this a correct assessment of Joe Keller? Give reasons for your answer. Or Joe Keller is a good husband and a good father but he fails to be a good citizen '. Discuss (V. Imp.)

Ans.  JOE KELLER Joe Keller is the pivotal character of the play All My Sons'.  All the actions of the play concerns him directly or indirectly.  He provides the background of the play by his wrong action of critical defective cylinder heads to the Air Force.  This resulted in the death of 21 pilots.  He put all the blame on his partner, Steve Deever, Heisaheavy - looking man of about 60.  He is self - made.  He has been in the manufactuing business for many years.  He is not highly educated but he has sound common sense.  He

ALL MY SONS listens very patiently to others and tries to gain something out of their experience.  He is a very good talker.  He has a nice sense of humor.  Joe Keller is a realist.  He does not read a newspaper for the translations of news.  His main interest lies in reading "Wants Advertisements".  He is interested in knowing what people want.  He has no faith in astrology.  Joe Keller is a successful businessman.  As a businessman, his only aim is to earn money by fair or foul means.  When the Air Force wanted cylinder heads urgently.  he was not found lacking.  He arranged the supply immediately.  Thus the Air Force did not cancel their order.  He supplied defective cylinders.  When he was tried in a court, he put all the blame on his partner, Steve Deever.  The court case damaged his business.  But Joe was able to build it up again.  Joe Keller is a humorous man.  His son Chris is very fond of reading the Book Section in the newspaper.  He remarks, "You are always reading the book section and you never purchase a book." He makes fun of Frank Lubey, the astrologer, by saying, "Without Frank the stars would not know when to come out." |  Joe Keller is devoted to his family.  He wants to promote the fortunes of his family at all costs.  He wants Chris to have all the good things of life.  He has no time for any other thought except working for the welfare of his family.  The society to which he belongs does not exist for him.  He forgets that he has any duty to his society and country.  He comes to know that the defective cylinders have led to the death of 21 pilots.  He is satisfied that his son Larry would not be one of them.  He has no word of sympathy for the poor pilots whom he has killed.  It is sufficient that his son is alive.  He keeps on talking about the power of money till the end.  Joe's conscience is stirred towards the end.  Chris wanted him to be better than what he was.  He becomes a completely changed man when he receives the last letter from his son, Larry.  He becomes conscious of his guilt on reading Larry's letter.  He admits his guilt for the death of 21 pilots.  He atones for his guilt by taking his own life.  Joe Keller actually represents the theme of the play.  The theme is the clash between family interests and social obligations, which attaches the greatest importance to the family interests.  He remains selfish from the beginning to the end.  But towards the end he realises his selfishness.


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