Friday, December 13, 2019

Q. 2 . Give a character sketch or Chris Keller. (ump.) Or "Chris would never know how to live with athing like that. It takes a certain talent for lving. You have it and Ido. But not him." Justify Jim's remarkabout Chris. Or "Chris is a sensitive idealist, determined never to succumb" Then why does hegive up the cause of truth and morality in the end? "I want no money raised by injustice." Can this statement be said to be true of Chris Keller?

  Ans.  CHRIS KELLER Chris Keller is one of the major characters in the play.  He is the second son of foe Keller.  He is about 32.  He is of a strong build like his father.  He has served in the army during the last World War.  Chris Keller is a man of high moral principles.  He is an idealist.  He hates liars and cheats.  He has no greed for money.  He is the exact opposite of his father.  Business and money - making have no interest for him.  He is a lover of books.  He wants to know more by reading the latest books.  _ _ He is a simple, straightforward man.  He has thought for the feelings of others.  He has never been 'fast' with women though he was in the army.  He loves Ann and wants to marry her.  When he comes to know that his father is guilty of serious defective cylinder heads to the Air Force, he rebukes him.  He also assures Ann that he would not touchapenny of his father's money.  When he comes to know the truth about his father's cunning role, he decides to go away and eam his living by honest labor.  He is affectionate and lovable.  While in the army, commanding a company, he loved his men very much.  His men affectionately called him Mother McKeller.  Once it had been raining for several days.  A soldier from his company offered Chris his last pair of socks.  The men of his company were ever ready to sacrifice themselves for one another.  It shows that he was loved by his men.  Some people find fault with his idealism.  They say it is false or phoney.  Sue Says that, "Chris makes people want to be better than it is possible to be."  Dr  Jim, to give up his medical practice and to devote his full time to medical research to help r of his father's ne gets veryin nder heads tor suffering humanity.  He failed to realize that the doctor has a family and he would not be able to support it with his research scholarship.  We, however, feel that Chris tries to practice his idealism in his life.  He would not like to take a penny out of his father's money if it has been earmed through dishonest means.  He gets very angry when he learns that his father supplied defectivecylinder heads to the Air Force.  He asks his father to explain everything otherwise he would tear him to pieces.  His father says that he did this to protect his business and family.  This explanation does not satisfy him.  He reminds his father that a son or a family or business is not everything for a father.  He should not forget his country.  He holds his father guilty of the murder of 21 pilots.  He considers him worse than an animal because no animal kills his own species.  He would like to tear the tongue out of his evil father's mouth.  He does not know what to do with his father.  - Chris acts as the voice of the dramatist.  Through him, Arthur Miller (the author of the play) speaks up against the dishonesty and corruption of the business people.  He wants them to undersand their responsibilities to society and to the country.  He wants them to understand that beyond their family and business interests.  There is a big world.  They have a responsibility to it.


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