Friday, December 13, 2019

Q. 4. Sketch the character of Ann Deever. Or “Ann is gentle, but despite her gentleness, she is capable of holding fast to what she knows. How far is it true of Ann Deever? ( Answer by Jot Chahal)

 Ans.  ANN DEEVER Ann is the daughter of Steve Deever, partner of Joe Keller.  She is 26.  She is very gentle.  Despite her gentleness she is capable of holding fast to what she knows.  She is very charming and intelligent.  We can say that Ann Deever is the female counterpart of Chris.  She believes in high principles.  When her father was tried in court for convicted defective cylinders to the Air Force, she sympathized with him.  But when he was found guilty, and sentenced to a long imprisonment, she felt deeply shocked.  She cut off all connections with him.  She did not even go to the jail to see him.  She did not even send him a Christmas card.  She looked upon her father as a murderer who was responsible for sending 21 young pilots to death for eaming easy money.  She has genuine love for Chris.  She feels relaxed in his presence because he is always honest.  Even when Joe Keller admits his guilt and George accuses him of destroying the Deever family, she remains attached to Chris.  George asks her to refuse to marry Chris who belongs to the Keller family.  Ann declines to do so.  She does not blame Chris for the crime

and wants to marry him.  She was actually Larry's girl.  But Larry is reported dead.  He has been missing for the last three and a half years.  She comes to the Keller family to marry Chris.  She is a practical woman.  She was engaged to be married to Larry.  When she came to know of Larry's death, she did not like to cling to his memory like a sentimental fool.  She started loving Chris.  She admits the idealism of Chris.  But she does not agree with him when he says that all the continued of life are like loot and there is blood on them.  She plainly tells him that he must not feel that way.  She reminds him that he has a right to whatever he has.  When Chris feels unhappy about the money earned by his father, he tells him that there is nothing wrong in that money.  He should feel proud that his father put hundreds of planes in the air.  Kate wants Ann to wait for the arrival of Lary and not to marry Chris.  Ann shows Kate the letter from Larry who had knowingly committed suicide because of his father's cylinder scandal.  Ann has an important role in the play.  She reveals Joe's guilt.  The action of the play picks up speed when she comes to the Keller home.  Secondly, she convinces death of Larry by showing his letter.  The letter from Larry clears the decks for her marriage with Chris.


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