Friday, December 13, 2019

Q. 7. Giveacharacter sketch of Frank Lubey. ( All My sons ) Answer by Jot Chahal

 Ans.  FRANK LUBEY Frank Lubey is a minor character.  He is an interesting person.  He is thirty two but balding.  He is a pleasant - natured man.  But he gets angry when opposed in his opinions.He is quite a helpful man.  He wants to prove a good neighbor.  Kate Keller likes his company.  Frankclaims some knowledge of astrology.  So Kate Keller has asked him to prepare the horoscope of her missing son, Larry.  Frank has come to the conclusion that Larry could not have died on 25th of November as it was his favourable (lucky) day.  This information pleases Kate Keller but others do not take Frank seriously.  Jim takes him to be just completely out of his mind.  Joe Keller remarks that the stars would not know when to come out without the predictions of Frank Lubey.  Frank Lubey is given to superstitions.  He gives great importance to the falling of the tree planted in the memory of Larry.  This tree was planted in the month of August, the month of Larry's birth.  Frank considers it to be a good sign.  He also rebukes Dr.  Jim Bayliss for not believing in anything.  Frank Lubey has a happy married life.  He has married Lydia.  He was lucky that he was not sent to the amy because of his over - age.  When boys of 7 years of age were being recruited, Frank was twenty - eight.  When they raised the age to twenty - eight, he was twenty nine.  He does not have any major role in the play.  He is a minor character.  His astrological predictions are very helpful to Kate Keller.  She goes on believing that her son, Larry, is alive and he will surely come back home.


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