Friday, December 13, 2019

Q. 3. Give a character sketch of Kate Keller. Or "Kate is a woman of uncontrolled inspiration and an overwhelming capacity for love." Discuss with reference to the character of Kate Keller (By Jot Chahal)

 Ans.  KATE KELLER Kate Keller is the major character in the play All My Sons.  Kate Keller is the wife of Joe Keller.  She is in her early fifties.  She is deeply devoted to her family.  She is very much upset to learn from the army authorities that her son, Larry, is missing.  Other members of her family think that Larry died in an air crash.  Kate continues to think that Larry is alive and will certainly come back home.  She has been waiting for him for the last three and a half years.  She has kept everything belonging to Larry in order.  Even his shoes are kept polished for his ready use.  Ann, Larry's fiancee, is sure that Larry is dead.  So she wants to marry Larry's brother, Chris.  But Kate Keller would like Ann to wait for the return of Larry.  Kate is a superstitious woman.  Once the tree that was planted in Larry's memory was blown down by wind.  She thought that it was the sign of Larry's being alive.  She asks Frank Lubey to study Larry's horoscope.  He says that Larry is alive since he has been reported missing on his lucky day.  The arrival of Ann during the month when Larry was born is another factor.  She has a strong faith in the goodness of God.  She is a considerate wife.  She is very much concerned about the welfare of her husband.  She had a doubt that her husband had a hand in the cylinder scandal.  But she always supported him.  Later she comes to know that Joe is guilty.  She knows that her idealist son, Chris will be furious.  She appeals to Chris to protect his dad.  She points out that Steve's son might try to * harm his dad.  Kate is very tactful and smart.  When George comes to the Keller home, she fears that he has come to expose Joe.  She gives George a very affectionate and loving treatment.  She tells him to take care of his poor health.  She also tells him that her husband, Joe Keller, would help him in getting settled in life and she will get a girl for him.  She tries her best to cover the guilt of her husband.  She tries to support the lie that Joe was really sick when Steve wanted him to reach the factory.  Kate is an intelligent woman.  When Chris comes to know about his father's guilt, he wants to leave his home.  She begs her husband to ask for the forgiveness of her son.  She tries to bring about a patch-up between father and son, this could have saved the situation.  But Joe refuses to apologize.  The result is tragedy.  Joe commits suicide and Kate is left a lonely woman in the world.  But she does not lose her balance.  She consoles her son.  She tells him not to feel guilty of his father's death.  She advises him to 'live' on.  Kate is a remarkable woman.  She tries to strike a compromise between the realism of her husband and the idealism of her son.  On the one hand, she asks her husband to admit his guilt before his son and ask for his forgiveness.  On the other hand, she tries to convince Chris and George to give up their idealism and have a practical approach to the problems of life.  Thus she plays an important role in the play,


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